Undead city and Silverpine Flight paths. You Tauren will get Orgrimar and the Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses
wow power leveling Crossroads flight paths. As Far as the leveling goes, after you do these quest packs with your other characters, they will not quite be 15, this is when they all go to Silverpine and do the "Selphcher" quests. Since these are meant to be started at level 10 you will already have a 2-3 level advantage when you start
wow gold these and can simply breeze through them. Some notes on the Silverpine quests: The bear hearts can be dropped by any grizzled bear. When you are given the quest "lost death stalkers" go a little farther east when you arrive and there is a little shack there with an NPC in it this
louis vuitton handbags will be your first "escort" mission. To save time do not go get the skittering blood until you also have the quest to get the shackles from the moonrages and the gluttons, as they are basically in the same area to the north east of town. Stay away
wedding dresses from Pyrewood and save the elite quests for the level gloejusaok 15-20 or simply avoid them. The "Border Crossing" can be completed by going south out of town to where the little tent of human spellcasters are simply loot a box there.(This is just north of Pyrewood) The named boss
aion power leveling that you must kill is in a mine off the road to the east, he is in the back, it is a very small mine but allot of agro. The pendants that you must obtain are from human spellcasters that are across the road from the "border crossings" crate. The last quest
rolex Watches I did in this area was to get the ichor from fenris Island which is due East from town across the water.(Ignore the talking head as you need a group to do that quest) This should be the same for all your characters by now. Finish up any and all quests in.zdm